i recall the day I got the news, so like Daniel, my wife wasn't sure how I would handle a third child, so she delivered the news with caution. I took it as well as one could take it, I was shocked to say the least, but at ease. I figured this time around maybe we will get a girl and it would mark the end of being fruitful.
So as the months went by, i was preparing in my mind for a little Ms. Campbell. No my wife would argue I was just saying that so I wouldn't be disappointed but honestly I was really wanting a girl. So the big day came where we headed to the doctor to get the ultrasound. As soon as he pulled up the image, I saw it and for the First time out of three tries, I recognized it was a boy. I was shocked, I just knew I was having a girl, but it was cool boy was just fine.
Fast forward to May 02, It was Friday I was at work about to head to break, my wife calls and says her co-worker is driving her to the hospital she is having sever pains. Now being through this tow times before I was thinking we still have another week and you just went to the doctor and he said the baby is not close to being had. Nonetheless I head to hospital and we sit there for about 4 hours to be told he is not ready so you can go to the house. Thank God we had a Nurse who went with her gut, she ran one more test before we left to see why the baby was stressing and sure enough the fluid had drained from the placenta and he was struggling.
Now the next move was one that caused me to alarm. The doctor came in and said and I quote "we have to take the baby". Thats all I heard. I'm thinking in mu head my son was just fine now you have to take him like I'm thinking he is about to die. The Dr. saw the puzzled look and clarified himself. he meant they had to do an emergency c-section. They rushed my wife down to surgery and by the time I got prepped he was out. Amazing the only one to come by c-section. He was fine after all that, short stay in the hospital and he was released.
The months after he continued to amaze, he started crawling at five months and then walking at 9 months, the first out of all my boys. He was the only to drink whole milk the whole time and the first to stay at mamma Linda's house his first year before daycare. Yes he was my last boy but we have experienced a lot of firsts during these two years.
And there are many more to come!