I was sitting at home a couple of Fridays ago, when I got a message from my boy Jaysin. He sent a song we recorded a couple of years ago. I had not heard that song in a long while. I know what you thinking I use to rap? I tried and even though this version my not prove it I can spit a little bit. That was deferred for other things though. It was fun while it lasted, the many nights me and guys use to hang in my little studio aka "DA Guts". I lot has changed since we recorded. But enough of that, he was explaining to me how the song has really hit him as he was going through so much the last couple of months. I was thinking to myself so have I as he was venting but I understood sometimes you just have to get away to refocus. Life can through many curves but with faith you can make it through. Sometimes you just have to find place to run to let you mind run free.